Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

"From this time on, many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him." John 6:66
When I read this verse, my heart is sadden in the realization that so many could have salvation, but not everyone is willing. As you may recall, I told you a story of a family that came to our "big kick" and then to our small. I followed up with them and went to their house, because they had requested more study time. I told them I could come to the building or their house (near the building) on the day and time that they wanted. We finally agreed on Thursday evenings, but then, for reasons I'm still not sure of, Salvador showed up at the building and said he wouldn't be able to come to the study. I asked if I had offended him and he promised me that it was nothing we had done. He told me they would start going to an evangelical church near by.
Though it was very hard to hear him say that and lose a study that I was very excited about, I realized that God is still in control and Jesus will plant His church. Just a few verses later in John, I read the commitment of the disciples. This passage gives me hope. There are still many who desire to know Christ and many who will give their life for Him! The work continues on in Leon, GTO. Though it is hard to see people reject the gospel, it makes it all worth it to see those who so gladly embrass it!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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