Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Needs of a man
A good friend bought me a copy of Wild at Heart. I read it more than a year ago, but I have come back to it time and again. Among many great concepts that he shares, one stuck out to me the most. He said men need 3 things in life: Adventure, a Battle and a Beauty. I recently got the crazy idea to walk from a nearby town to Leon. Most people mocked me and thought it was stupid, but then I realized this was part of the "Adventure" for me. I did it to see if I could...also part of the Battle (something to fight for). The Beauty, A.K.A Barbara helps complete the package. He makes the argument that if these aren't present then the opposite will be true: Anger, Fear and Lust. These are probably the more common characteristics among many men around the world. Christ can change all that, as well as fulfill each of those needs, but few men in this world have Christ at work in their lives. He alone gives true adventure. He is worth fighting for and He is the perfect groom! If you haven't read this book, go out and find a copy TODAY. If you have, pass it on or by a copy for a friend. I know it's not the Bible, but it helped open my eyes to God's character and the man He created me to be!
p.s. I'm currently reading The Sacred Romance by Mr. Eldredge... I highly recommend it!!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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