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Monday, October 08, 2007

Hokiss Pokiss?!

It's no Brazil and definitely not as bad as Africa, but Mexico has a bad case of the "Hebe Jebes"! You can see it in everything from the Catholic church to the palm readers. It's ironic that such a modern nation could be so "medieval". But then again, we have a lot of people that read horoscopes in the states and do some pretty crazy stuff too!
I mention that, because this past weekend I talked to the brother of a dear friend. He goes to a Pentecostal church (perhaps the originators of the weird?!) that teaches some pretty ridiculous stuff! He told me "testimony" after testimony of people that have had this or that "happen to them" and how their faith has made it happen. He told me of Bibles producing oil (Criss Angel would be proud!), people who only had one kidney through prayer all the sudden have both again, he told us about 6 teens that were camping and Jesus took them to Hell to show them how horrible it is and "tell everyone they don't want to come here", but my personal favorite...teeth being filled and capped through prayer alone...yes, I'm not kidding! Now, if there was ever a "doubting Thomas", well, I would probably have to at least be his brother...if not him, but the teeth thing killed me. I asked him, "if there are millions of people who don't know God's word, others who are dying of horrible diseases and still others who are divorcing and struggling with terrible stuff, is someone REALLY going to put all those prayer needs on the side to pray for their teeth that can be fixed by a dentist in a few hours for not much money?! And is God going to put all that on the side to "miraculously" "heal" someone's teeth?!" He thought for a while and told me, "yeah, I kinda doubted it too, but they said it was true!"
We talked for a couple of hours and I challenged him to listen to the Word and not so much the "teachings of men". He's a good man with a great heart and a deep desire to know God and His power, but he has been tricked into believing lies. He gave His life to Christ in Toluca, but there is no church where he lives. He is a good man that needs a lot of guidance. Please pray for him and his family!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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