Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

It was a Tuesday morning like most others! I stopped at the "get and go" in McAlester, Ok. to get something for "breakfast". I heard the clerk talking to someone else saying that all flights had been canceled and all airplanes that didn't ground within a certain amount of time would be shot out of the air! I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but soon found out. Upon arriving at the office, the then secretary, Becky Donnell, told me all that was happening. I remember not really believing what all was going on and standing there speakless. Calls poured in starting prayer chains and others fearful since we lived a few miles from a military plant where a lot of bombs were stored.
Now four years later and a whole lot life changes, we are in Mexico trying to plant the Lord's church. As I saw the tears this morning and heard the stories and memories, it brought to mind what is really important in life. I don't think many people in N Y were worried about the weather this morning or how the Giants would do in games to come. As the bell sounded multiple times and the people stood there tearfully silent, I'm sure many thoughts went through their heads. If only my husband would have been sick and not gone to work or if I could have just got to my children in time or perhaps if the government would have been on top of things, but the reality is that no one in that building really knew what was coming.
As I think about those tears shed for loved ones, I'm reminded of the tears Jesus shed for Jerusalem and how I should share that same passion for the lost of this city and others. Leon is a city not aware of what all is "coming". They haven't had a chance to hear the message of the gospel and that's why we have come. We are not here because we like the food or this town has the best schools or pay, but rather we are here for the millions of lost souls in this great city. As you perhaps remember the many people of 9/11 or look at the devastation in LA, MI and other places, please don't forget about the living that are spiritually dead. Please say a prayer today for the people of Leon, GTO.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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