Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Lord continues to bless His church here in Leon, GTO. and we are excited to see Him at work! It is so good to know that it's not dependant upon us to grow the church, rather we constantly place the work back into His hands. Thank you so much for your prayers and interest in the millions of lost souls in Leon. Friday night we went to eat churros (piece of bread that is fried and dipped in sugar and cinnamon...very healthy) which we haven't done for a really long time. At the stand we saw a lady we haven't seen in months. Her name is Carmen and she was invited to our congregation by another Christian. We talked for a while and I re-invited her to worship on Sunday and/or to study the Bible with us whenever she would like. It was good to see God at work, bringing us together in that "chance" meeting for her to have another opportunity to hear the gospel.
Yesterday a young man passed down our street house to house begging for money, food etc. I gave him a few pesos and told him that though the physical needs seem to be most important right now, his soul was much more important. I invited him to church and assured him he would be well received and blessed. This morning who came wondering in, but Hector, the same young man that passed down our street. Another member told him about a job he knew of and that paid pretty well. Please pray for Hector, for his job situation, but more importantly for his soul. We also had a young family visit us this morning. From what I understand, they have been burned from a few churches and are looking for a new church home. Their last name is Morado and they have 3 young girls. They would be a great addition to the Lord's church. Please pray for them. They have been very poorly taught the Word and have some "different" ideas. I recently told Barb that I thought God had brought us here to teach Catholics about the Bible, but it seems as though He is giving us people who need to be taught the truth. Praise God for His constant intervention on behalf of the souls of the lost! Please pray for Carmen. We are also planning a party for Sept. 15th (independence day) and we look forward to meeting new people and inviting them to study the Bible. Please pray that the event will be well attended and more importantly that we will find people with open hearts and minds to the Gospel.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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