Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

God continues to do great things!
This Sunday started off really slow. I received a phone call from one of the members saying he had to work and wouldn't be able to make it. I then remembered that another member would be taking a class in Guanajuato (city) and wouldn't make it either. I tried to give a little "pep talk" to the team and remind them of God's timing and the fact that He is working all around us. I asked Chris to pray and he asked God to bless us with people (I was thinking in the coming weeks and months) and praised Him among many other things. Within 15 minutes, two families (that were first time visitors), walked in the door and sat down. One family, a mother and her son, were walking by the building earlier in the week and stopped in to see what we were all about. She was very kind and said her husband didn't believe in God. The other family installed the cable in the Johnson house and Chris invited him to service. The family was really excited about finding a place to worship. The wife told us that she has been baptized, but her husband had not been baptized. He works all week, and they have 2 little girls, soon to be three, so small group will be hard. We offered them Bible studies, and they seemed really receptive. She said she really wants to come to the ladies class. We were really excited to see these two families and ask for your prayers on behalf of both of them. The first family is Lupe and Chui and the second family is Gerardo and Patty. Please pray for them, that they might receive God's word and begin to live for Him! God is so good and we praise Him for all the prayers He has answered and the things He continues to do in His church. May He always be glorified through His people!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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