Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Monday, May 30, 2005

A Week in the life...
Just another week in the life of a missionary, but just another week is never "just" another week. We were excited to see God at work this week in the lifes around us. Recently, one of the young ladies named Yasmin, was baptized in Toluca with her family who is studying in the Bible school there. We are excited to have more young people and look forward to the group of the younger groups. This past Sunday night, we had a visitor named Aelio. He was actually looking for another church, but since I didn't know where it was located he just stayed and worshiped with us. Interestingly enough, I really didn't know where the building was of the other "church", but I probably wouldn't have told him even if I did know. Also, Salvador and Maria Cruz came back and asked to study with us. Our next door neighbors, Rigo and Claudia came to service this Sunday (see the article below for more info). We continue to see the Rosas family grow in their ministries. They are great evangelist for the young people group, as well as, other groups. They are always willing to bring things to help and serve. They are willing to offer everything they have for the Lord's serve. God is at work in the lives of His people and it's great to get to be a part of this and see this young church, begin to stretch and grow.
This Tuesday, we had a "no-show" night, so we just prayed for future growth of the group and tried to come up with some ideas to attract more people.
Wednesday group is going strong. We have the same small group of four girls, but we have seen a lot of progress in them and we can see God slowly opening the doors to their families. We want to plan an "out of school bash" for the junior highers. Please be praying about this event and how it will lead us into summer. There is also a new prayer group that has been started at the building. We look forward to seeing it grow and to see God take more control over this work!
Saturday mornings, we have started a study with a family that lives near the building...Salvador and Maria Cruz. They were a "no-show" this past Saturday, so I went by to visit and apparently there was a misunderstanding about times and days. We have had a study over "miracles and fasting". We are beginning to learn the importance of sitting down and studying the Bible with someone. Especially encouraging them to study the Gospel first and then come back to their questions.
During the week, we visit people and encourage them to come to serve. We try to visit the other congregations and encourage them in their ministries and outreach. We pass out flyers and every now and again work on the building, with touch ups, here and there, a long with a list of other things, plus every day life "stuff".
At nearly the end of every week, something new has happened and something new is learned. There are many "daily routines", but there is always something that "comes up", that keeps us on our toes. God presents us with lots of challenges to grow, but He has blessed us through each event, success, and defeat. Thank you for your prayers and continued interested in the Lord's work here in Leon, Guanajuato. We know you sacrifice and often suffer along side us in prayer, partnership and thoughts. We remember you in prayer often. May Jesus continue to plant His church!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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