Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Another potluck
It's kinda funny how we manage to have a good attendance in the potlucks. This Sunday, we invited another congregation here in town to come over and fellowship with us. Since they meet from 8 am to 10 am, it gives them plenty of time to come across town to worship with us. I preached this morning at their congregation and then they came over and their preacher taught our adult class. Around 15 of them came over to worship with us and then share in the potluck.
The visitors I was most excited about were a young couple that lives on our street. Around a month ago, Rigo was celebrating his birthday and had Spanish acapella booming from his house. When I went to the car to get something, I recognized one of the songs and walked down to his house see who was playing the music. He looked out and saw me and I asked who was singing. He told me it was an Acapella Spanish tape he had received for his birthday. He told me he was a Christian, but had just moved to town and didn't know where to go. I gave him all the churches info and let him know where we lived and told him whenever he wanted to study, I would be there.
Time flew by and ever now and again I would wave as we drove by. Saturday I walked by his house and invited him to come to service. While we were singing, a young couple walked in and took a sit at the back. I was thrilled to see them come and I began to talk with them once service was over. Apparently they have been in Leon for a while, because his girlfriend lived here. He moved from a nearby town. We invited them to our Tuesday night study and they said they would try to come. Their names are Rego and Claudia. They said they were married, but "not in the church". I asked them what that meant and apparently, it means "we live together." We have a lot of work ahead of us with this couple, but with love, the word and God's grace, good things can happen. Please pray for this couple and their walk with God. I have seen the power of your prayers and I ask you to continue to join us in pray for the lost souls of Leon, GTO.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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