Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Tuesday Night Small Group
Last night we had our small group here at the house. These have been real informal times to get to know each other, fellowship with one another and study God's Word. This week we had two special visits. We have had many visitors in the past, some have stayed, many have yet to come back, but this was the families first time to come. They were the first two to show up at the "Big Kick Off" a little over a week ago. They live in the neighborhood near the building and they received a flyer to come to the kick off. Last night they told me that they would like to start a study closer to them, because they have some friends who live near their home who want to study. We are currently making plans to start a group in a home in that neighborhood or in the building. We are excited to see God's blessing on this work and find truth seekers, who are humble and sincerely want to know God's Word! Please be praying about this new study, the family and their friends. Interestingly enough, their names are savior and cross( Salvador and Maria Cruz).


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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