Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

"What can I say?"
Too often things are said "unsincerely", but I really can't say enough good about the people that represented Lakeview c of C from Shawnee. I know I have mentioned them some, but I was just now able to get a hold of the pictures. These guys worked like few other groups I have been a part of or worked with. There wasn't a single complaint althought there was plenty of things that went wrong. Everyone smiled the whole time and encouraged each other, even though some felt sick and all were tired from the work. We changed plans more than a little and everyone was happy to go with the flow. I was truly blessed to work with them and look forward to receiving them whenever they want to come back to Leon. I think helping a missionary is a little like helping an orphan or the fact that there is no way they can "repay" you, but I know Lakeview was "paid" by knowing they helped the children and served the Lord. Ben's one desire from start to finish was to bless the church. They weren't concerned about their "vacation time" or the fun they would have or even the meals. They were concerned with sharing God's love with the kids at the orphanage and blessing the church! I guess all I can really say is thank you!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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