Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Cultural funnies"
Every now and again, we are reminded that things that have become "normal" are different than what we are "use to". This afternoon on the way home from school I told Mase to stick his arm out the window. He had no idea what I was talking about. Usually I'm telling them not to put anything outside the window of the car, but this time I needed his arm. Let me explain, I was in the far left hand lane and I needed to make a right turn at the corner. In Mexico, there is something I call, "the power of the arm". If you are driving and you need to switch lanes...forget about turn signals. All you have to use is your arm! You put your arm out the window and typically, people will nearly have a wreck to let you switch lanes. It's something a little different than what I have been "use to" in my life, but you can always learn something new I guess! It's been fun watching the AIMers be amazed and learn new stuff that has become "old hat" to us.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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