Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Monday, March 06, 2006

40 days of "sacrifice"
This past Wednesday was "ash Wednesday" as many of you know. We went downtown and saw the majority of people and babies with a small cross on their foreheads. Originally people would write down their sins, etc. and then the priest would burn the paper and use the "ASH" from the burnt paper of sins to make a cross on their head. This would ensure that "Christ would protect/forgive their mind". Apparently the present day "express lane" version of this is a stamp. Many of the crosses I saw on peoples head looked more like West Coast Choppers than anything else. Perhaps Jesse James has gotten involved or fashion has become more important than tradition. This day starts the 40 days (Jesus fasting Luke 4) before Pascua/Passover. The good news is that many people didn't have a cross on their forehead! Perhaps they are still looking?! According to Catholicism, not eating meat or chicken on ash Wednesday and every Friday before Passover will help purify and cleanse you for the Passover and make you closer to God. Pascua (Passover) and Semana Santa ("Holy Week") here in Mexico, ironically enough, are typically spent at the beach/vacation. The only problem with the "no meat, only fish" on Fridays idea, is that the money saved on meat is some times spent at the bar. I suppose the blurry people in the picture below are appropiate, since some have "had a few too many"! Friday (no meat/purification) night we were downtown with my in-laws and I was floored as I saw "tent" after tent of Corona, MGD and other beer companies. Many of which where packed with people. It's something that most people see right through, but some don't realize how ungodly all the "spiritual" activities are. Please pray for Mexico and the many people who are seeking to truthly serve God!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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