Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Off and Running
When we arrived Saturday night, our neighbors were the first to welcome us and stair at all the junk we brought back from things we still have stored in my parents garage. On Sunday morning, it was great to see the church. We were very well received by the congregation and welcomed back. We had a visiting family that morning and we were nearly 40 in all! Monday morning we woke up to "Katrina" in our living room, since we moved everything from the car to the living room. By Tuesday we were feeling overwhelmed. We had a team meeting and I realized how truly BEHIND I was!!! Wednesday we had a prayer time at the building. Since then, we have been scrambling to catch up and propose plans for the new year. Friday morning, since the youth were out of school, we went and picked them up and took them to eat "Gorditas" (NOTHING like Taco Bell!). We had a good time praying with them and laughing together. We talked about some important things and then just "nothing". Tomorrow we will go clean the building and set up for Sunday and then celebrate Christian's bday with him. Please pray for the up coming events we are planning and the calendar that is quickly filling up with events, and arrivals of more workers and visitors. May God be glorified!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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