Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Good things!!!
Greetings and blessings in the Lord from the church in Leon, GTO. We have seen great things upon our return to Leon from our states trip. Omar is teaching a leadership class every Saturday to another congregation. Tana has begun the monthly ladies class as well. Chris is doing a great job with our worship services and Jessica has been collecting food and clothing for those who need it. This Sunday was a great Sunday. Although we have had Sundays of 40 plus like this one, this morning, many more Mexican men were involved in leading the serice! Sigifredo, Gerado and Chui read scriptures. The best had to have been Manolo speaking about how Jesus has changed his life. It's a good thing to see Jesus at work in the lives of His people. We also have a new family that has been coming. The children are a "challenge", but the mothers are so sincere and seem to really want to know God's word. They were saved years ago and just recently began to come back to the Lord. Please pray for Veronica and her family (pictures below). This week I'm suppose to go meet with her brother. Please pray for Pablo. He was once very active in the church, often preaching and leading singing, but after time "things" got in the way and he has not been back to church since. Pray that our congregation will love and receive them warmly, as well as help them see the importance of being a part of the Lord's church. Thank you for your partnership and prayers in the Lord's work in Leon, GTO. May He always and forever be glorified through His church.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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