Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

October Festival
Friday night, Oct. 28th, we decided to have a party for the kids. We figured it would be a good "alternative" to halloween/dia de los muertos, but more than anything it was an excuse to party and get more people in the door. We encouraged the church to invite friends with kids and let them meet the church. We did it "American style" and had the typical little carnival games. We had pop the balloons with darts, ring toss on the bottles, bobing for apples, face painting and a cake walk. The kids loved it and a few visitors couldn't wait to come back! We will pray and see what the Lord gives us from this event. There were nearly 40 at the event! The good thing is, tomorrow we will have a potluck and hopefully it will be a good follow-up opportunity for people to come and see the church on Sunday. Mason said, "it was cool, I liked the games, and I liked everything!" The Lord has great things in store for His work in Leon, GTO. Please continue to pray for the church and other future "plants" around Leon. We are excited to see the Lord bless His people!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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