Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hearts slowly opening
God is good and worthy of our praise. There is a lady who has been attending with the congregation for several months now. Her name is Lupe and we have mentioned her and her son specifically many times. Lupe had surgery a week ago and the church really rallied around her and brought her meals for the week following her surgery. It's not a HUGE deal for a 200+ congregation to give a weeks worth of meals in the happens often. We have been averaging around 30 members a week in an economically challenged congregation. Today, Lupe's husband came by to pick his family up, but they had already left. He told me how much he had appreciated our (the church) kindness to his family. He told me his son Chui (chewy) loves to come to church and won't miss for anything. Jose (the husband) is not a Christian and doesn't come, because he gets off work between 1 and 2 am Sunday morning. I can see him beginning to open his heart to the Lord! It's been a real joy to see this family grow in the knowledge of the Lord and in good works for HIs glory! Continue to pray for this family. God is doing good things!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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