Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

What a week!
Some time Monday morning, we got a call from one of our good friends (Carla Lowe Borja) from "way back" that she was coming to visit us...on Wednesday through the following Monday (when our kids start school)...with 2 other people. Barbara and I panicked knowing this was a crazy week. We were glad to see them and explained that we were really busy. They were very happy to hear it and encouraged us to go about our week as usual. Wednesday night, Chris and I went to our usual study with Gerardo and Patti. Then Thursday, the girls had planned a baby shower for one of the ladies in the congregation. Friday, I hosted a youth game night. Saturday, Barb taught ladies Bible class. Sunday, we had class and worship time together as usual. Then, Roberto, the son of a student in the Toluca preaching school, wanted to give his life to Christ. We loaded up and went to another congregation to "borrow the baptistry". After a good time there, we went to "pollo feliz" (happy chicken, not too happy, cause we are eating them) and all ate together. That afternoon our congregation hosted a leadership mini-seminar. Monday, we dropped Mason off at school and then an hour later took Madi and they both did great (go to our family website for more details)! Then we dropped the Cullims and Carla off at the airport. It was a really good week, but we are thankful to have a few moments now to sit down and relax for a second.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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