Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pressing Forward
Looking back over the past several months, our family has faced more than it's share of struggles. We have had Satan throw multiply challenges in our path, but because of God's unfailing mercy, He has brought us to this point. With the birth of Kayson, our lives (like every "new" parents) were tossed about. Barb has suffered from sleep deprevation as well as a number of other difficulties. She has come through with flying colors. She continues to find her place among the church here in Leon, GTO.
We recently had a visit from a supporter and a few "ole" friends. They couldn't have been more encouraging to our family and our minister. We were so thankful for their visit and know that God used them to push us threw some hard times. Encouragement on the mission field is SO needed. We often feel lost in this little corner of the world.
We continue to see new visitors on Sundays and we are trying to study the Bible with them. Chris and I are currently studying with a young family that has been coming on Sundays for a few months now. We ask for your prayers for the Medina family!
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in this work. May God continue to be glorified through His church!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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