Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

"Back to school" prayer night!
This Sunday morning started earlier than usual. This past Wednesday we had lunch with the minister and his family from another congregation here in town. We enjoyed the time and toward the end, he invited me to preach on Sunday morning. The only thing is that they START at 8 am and it's a 20+ minute drive from our house. For some of you, this is not that early, because of "early bird" services, etc. But at Leon Sur church of Christ, we don't start until 11 am. It was good to visit with our brothers across town and see how God is blessing His people around the city.
Sunday night (August 14th), we decided to have a special time of prayer for our children entering and returning to school. We divided the night up into sections including; prayer time for the women and men apart from each other, a time to mentioning each child by name, a time of scripture reading, a praise time and a "dream prayer" time about the future of the church in Leon, GTO. In all, there were 20+ in attendance. It's exciting to see the church come together for events like these. This coming Sunday (21st), our congregation will be hosting a "Timothy class" for the men of the congregation, as well as, another congregation. Please place this class in God's hands. Events such as these, with God's help, have great potential for the future of the church in Leon. May God be glorified in this city and throughout the world!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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