Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Few Prayer Requests
We are so thankful to be at work in the Lord's kingdom and praise God for so many blessing He has showered on us. Though we realize all the good things come from God, Satan sometimes throws arrows! We have been posed with a lot of challenges this past month to the present. Kayson has brought a new "twist" on life with lost sleep and change in schedules. We would ask for your continued prayers on behalf of her and Barb. We have also struggled with support. Now with diapers, doctor bills and two kids in school this year, it makes the budget squeak a little. Please be praying for continued, as well as more support. We are beginning to see small fruits of the labor here and we would like to see at least a few more years of work here. Thank you for your concern on behalf of my family and the Lord's work here in Leon, Guanajuato.


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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