Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

"When at first you don't succeed..."
We have received a lot of resistance in Leon from the "die hard" Catholic crowd. Many people are open to the Gospel, but for one reason or another, we get a lot of "oh, you're those...". Mom and dad seem to limit son/daughter's time with "those" (us). I decided that we needed to try to something different for the youth to try to attract a crowd and get to know some kids around here. In McAlester, I would just go to lunch with the kids at school, but since that's not really possible here, I had to come up with something else. I figured an "out of school bash" for the Jr high might draw some kids. I wanted it to be a relaxed atmosphere, where I could get to know the kids and they could realize that we weren't as bad as they might have thought, or at least as bad as mom and dad thought! After all, that's pretty much how the youth Bible study started. Mariana invited a few friends to her house and it's grown from there. A couple have come on Sundays from that Bible study.
We had the party at the building. That way we could tell them, now you know where we are, come on Sunday morning at 11 am. The boys pretty much played soccer most of the time. The girls talked and listened to music inside. We had 10 altogether. I felt really good about the party and the attendance. Thank you for your prayers for this minister. May God be glorified from the mouths and hearts of the young like the old!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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