Thanks for your interest in the Lord's work in Leon and our family!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Land Locked

Well, you might have been hearing about Hurrican Alex and all the rain in Mexico. It's caused the people here a lot of problems and suffering. It's also causing us a little concern! We loaded our moving truck and it left Thursday. We load up this next week and head North in the Quest. The only problem is the following article. As you can see from the picture above, there's more problems at the border than drugs these days! The Texas bridges are closed until the water goes down...assuming the water doesn't wash them away. You might think I'm kinda, but various other bridges have given way to the water. There have been mudslides and roads have collapsed! We would ask for your prayers for our family and our stuff as we head North to visit you. Also, we are hoping to set up some interviews in the following weeks. Please pray that God will place us with the right congregation!!!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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