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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tommie Gary
I know I used this picture to honor my mom, but I guess I'm gonna have to use the same to honor my dad. (It's time to update the archives of parent pictures huh?!). At the same time, you wouldn't hardly see dad without mom!
Tomorrow is Father's day and I really couldn't have asked for a better one! Dad was a railroad man nearly all his life and hated everyday of it, but it brought home the bread and he would do whatever it took to take care of his family. His example has served for much more than just our family. As I mentioned about my mom, many who are not his flesh and blood kids call him "dad". He worked nights for who knows how many years. He would get home and help get us off to school and then go to bed. He would sleep while we were at school or some times pay bills or what not. We would get home and he would wake up and help with home work, take us to sports practice or do something with us. We would finish homework, etc and head toward bed and he would head toward work while we slept. Next day it would start all over again. He often had to work Saturday night, so he would get home and help get everyone ready, lead singing at church, come home and sleep and then head to work that evening.
When we were young we went to the lake as a family every year in August. I didn't realize it then, but it was a "work trip" for him. He would set up the camper or tents, help with dinners, take us kids fishing or skiing, help us get showered, build a fire, run into town for ice or whatever else we needed. He was going the whole time! He never missed a game we played in: basketball, soccer, baseball or football. When I was really young, he use to take a week to go hunting, but as I got older he gave that up to spend time with the family. When we finally got old enough he would take us boys with him. Dad was always on school or church retreats with us. Mom and dad would go as counselors to help and watch over us from a distance. Mom and dad worked hard and sacrificed to give us a Christian education. Though he lead singing at the Tulsa Workshop and was even a part of a singing group, he never bragged about it or let his amazing voice go to his head! He was always serving in one way or another and I've always said that I got my work ethic and willingness to serve from my dad! He was a man's man, but always kissed and hugged us kids. I buy flowers, talk sweet, hug and kiss my wife, because I saw my dad do that for my mom all my life. I never once wondered what it would be like to have divorced parents, because that was NEVER a possibility. There's was always love and stability in our home.
You never know what your dad means to you or how much he's done for you until you become a father! The sacrifice goes unnoticed and unappreciated until you've made some sacrifices yourself. Thursday we had breakfast with an older couple. They asked me what it's like to HAVE TO obey God (they are not Christians). I explained it like this, "when I was young I did what my daddy told me to out of fear. Fear of a spaking, grounding or whatever. Nowadays, I will do WHATEVER my dad ask or needs, because I love him! It's the same way with God. You start out obeying out of fear of hell or His punishment or whatever, but as you grow to know the love of the Father, you do whatever is asked because the fear has turned to a great love and respect!"
Thanks for sharing God's love with me and being an awesome dad! As my family grew, you have been an awesome father-in-law and grandfather as well. I hope some day Mason, Madison and Kayson look back on their childhood as a blessing and as having a good father like I do with you! Happy Father's day...I love you dad!!!


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This website is dedicated to the Lord's work in Leon, GTO in general, but specifically the lives and ministry of the Gary family.
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